April Showers bring May Flowers
Good morning & happy new month!
While you can reflect on your life & make changes at any time, a new month tends to be a good marker to stop to evaluate what's working & what's not. As we take on the second day of May, take some time this week to reflect on your April. Pick out 3 things that went really well, 3 things you're proud about & 1 new commitment you'll make to yourself for this month. This could be taking a step toward a health goal, like walking for 30 minutes 3x a week, or even something like waking up 30 minutes earlier to meditate each day, just make sure it's something you can take action on! Taking the time to take an honest look at what's working in our lives & what's not is the only way we can build the lives we want rather than staying a victim of our circumstances - and this is the perfect time of the year to do it!
I don't know about you, but April is always a little crazy for me. Looking back, I tend to make big changes around this time of year. Maybe it's the season for it. If we look to nature, we see that in April things that have laid dormant for so many winter months suddenly come alive . I guess that happens with us too. All of the thoughts & feelings that have been brewing under the surface suddenly make themselves impossible to ignore. And with this new awareness comes choices. And with choices come changes. Change is never easy, no matter how sure you are that it's for the better. With change comes grief for what you've left behind & with grief comes tears - April showers . But just as it happens in nature, April showers bring May flowers & soon the new flowers in your life will bloom. Soon all of those rainy days will make sense when you see all of the beauty they produced.
With love,